You’ve got your wedding shoes, and now you need to find a way to play with them. You and your friends can have a blast getting to know each other by playing the shoe game. It’s a fun way for everyone to get involved with each other, plus it’s a great ice-breaker for when you’re meeting new people. In this article, we’ll give you an overview of how the game works and some tips on how to make it even more fun!
What Is the Shoe Game?
A Wedding Shoe Game is a common wedding reception event where the bride and groom must prove their knowledge of each other. They will be asked questions such as who is the best cook or the worst driver, and they must decide who it applies to – all without being able to see each other’s answers. It’s a fun game for the guests, especially when the answers don’t match!
How to Play the Wedding Shoe Game?
The setup of this game is very simple and requires minimal preparation. It is an easy to play reception game, but still provides a good source of entertainment. Here’s how you can play.
Step 1: Set it up
Set up two chairs back to back with the bride and groom sitting together. The point of the game is that they can’t see each other’s answers! Have them take off both shoes and hand one to the other. They should each take one of the bride’s shoes and one of the groom’s shoes. These shoes will represent each other. If the question applies to the groom, his shoe will be lifted, and vice versa.
Step 2: Choose the host
The host will read the question aloud to the couple. It is usually the maid of honor or best man, but it can also be one of the couple’s parents. They need to be confident enough to stand in front of the crowd, so choose someone who is not prone to stage fright. Have the person in charge of the questions hold the microphone so the whole room can hear them.
Step 3: Read the questions
Step 4: Answer!
Once the question is read, the bride and groom should answer immediately. They will hold up the shoes of the person they think best fits the description. For example, if they think the groom is a better driver, then they will hold up his shoes as an answer. Most of the time, they will try to turn around to see the other person’s answer, so make sure they re-sit and sit back to back before the next round of questions. If they choose different answers, they may even start arguing, which can be fun for the guests (as long as it remains just lighthearted teasing).
Wedding Shoe Game Questions
This entertaining game involves the newlyweds being asked a series of questions, with each of them taking turns to answer while holding one of their shoes. It’s a perfect way to get everyone in the mood for a party, so get ready to ask the Wedding Shoe Game Questions and get the festivities started!

Relationship Questions
- Who approached the other one first?
- Who asked the other one out on a date first?
- Who complains more?
- Who decides where to go on dates?
- Who gets along better with the other’s family?
- Who had a bigger crush on the other one?
- Who is always comforting the other one?
- Who is closer to their family?
- Who is more adventurous?
- Who is the leader in the relationship?
- Who is the more romantic one?
- Who is the one always convincing the other to go out?
- Who is the one always planning trips?
- Who leaned in for the kiss first?
- Who started the first argument?
- Who talks more?
- Who wants to get kids more than the other?
- Who was the pursuer early on in the relationship?

Daily Life Questions
The questions you want to ask will give you a better understanding of the couple’s daily life, their relationship with each other, and their friends and family. Consider the following questions:
- Who eats more junk food?
- Who exercises more?
- Who gets home first from work?
- Who has better taste in music?
- Who is always deciding which movies or TV shows to play?
- Who is always eating healthy?
- Who is doing most of the cooking?
- Who is more addicted to their phone?
- Who is more interested in sports?
- Who is more organized?
- Who is ready first or always waiting for the other one?
- Who is the messy one?
- Who is the one always deciding which music to play?
- Who is the one always getting lost and asking the other for directions?
- Who loves animals more?
- Who makes the bed?
- Who pays the bills?
- Who prepares breakfast or coffee?
- Who turns off the lights at night and locks up the house?
- Who wakes up first in the morning?

Funny Shoe Game Questions
Funny shoe game questions can definitely be used as ice breakers, and they are are a great way to get guests laughing. They are a fun way to start the party and a great way to get to know your guests better. If you want some fun shoe game questions, you can find them here!
- Who believes in aliens?
- Who burps more?
- Who can’t stop texting their friends?
- Who cries more during movies?
- Who farts more?
- Who gets drunk quicker?
- Who goes longer without washing their clothes?
- Who has smellier armpits?
- Who is “always right?”
- Who is always leaving the toilet seat up/down?
- Who is better at keeping secrets?
- Who is constantly losing their keys?
- Who is crazier?
- Who is more addicted to their phone?
- Who is more of a control freak?
- Who sings the loudest in the shower?
- Who snores the loudest?
- Who spends more time talking on the phone?
- Who takes up more space on the bed at night?
- Who wakes up grumpier?
- Who’s terrified of monsters or has other irrational fears?
- Whose farts are louder?
- Whose farts are smellier?

Dirty Shoe Game Questions
The Dirty Shoe Game is one of the most fun and revealing ways to play with your partner. It’s also a great icebreaker, as it often sparks a flood of laughter and touching moments between you. Each person takes turns asking the other questions, which are all based on their answers to specific questions in categories such as “sex,” “money,” or “food.” The goal is to get through as many categories without getting interrupted by your partner’s dirty shoe (or another object).
The best thing about these types of games is that they can reveal so much about your partner: their interests, hidden talents, favorite foods—you name it! Plus, if you’re feeling especially brave and want some solid advice from experts like us here at DeerPearlFlowers; check out our top tips for making sure that these games go smoothly:
Beware: Asking too many personal questions too quickly may make shy people uncomfortable or even cause them to clam up completely if they’re not used to sharing personal details with others (so be careful!). If this happens just take another sip of wine before asking another question!
- Who is a better kisser?
- Who is a better lover?
- Who is more flirtatious?
- Who has a bigger behind?
- Who dresses more flirtatiously?
- Who initiated sex first?
- Who initiates sex most of the time?
- Who is louder during sex?
- Who is quieter during sex?
- Which one is kinkier?
- Which one is shy about what they like to do in bed?

Work and Money Shoe Game Question
- Who pays the bills?
- Who tends to work more?
- Who is more likely to stay at work late?
- Who is the bigger shopaholic?
- Who saves more money?
- Who’s more likely to spend all their money at a Bed Bath & Beyond (or insert couple’s favorite store) sale?
MUST Ask Questions
- Who does the dishes more?
- Who has a bigger wardrobe?
- Who has the best style?
- Who hogs the bed?
- Who made the first move?
- Who paid on the first date?
- Who plans more elaborate date nights?
- Who snores louder?
- Who spends more time staring at their phone?
- Who takes the longest to get ready?
- Who wakes up first?
- Who wears the pants in the relationship?
- Who would last longer on a deserted island?
- Who’s a better dancer?
- Who’s a pickier eater?
- Who’s better at keeping secrets?
- Who’s better when it comes to directions?
- Who’s chattier?
- Who’s clumsier?
- Who’s funnier?
- Who’s messier?
- Who’s more adventurous?
- Who’s more dramatic?
- Who’s more likely to arrive late to an appointment?
- Who’s more likely to cry during the movie titanic?
- Who’s more likely to finish an argument?
- Who’s more likely to lose their keys/wallet?
- Who’s more likely to max out their credit card?
- Who’s more likely to save all their money?
- Who’s more likely to say something embarrassing in their sleep?
- Who’s more likely to scream at the sight of a spider?
- Who’s more likely to start an argument?
- Who’s more likely to talk their way out of a speeding ticket?
- Who’s more of a thrill-seeker?
- Who’s more organized?
- Who’s more outgoing?
- Who’s more romantic?
- Who’s more stubborn?
- Who’s needier when they’re sick?
- Who’s the best cook?
- Who’s the best driver?
- Who’s the best gift-giver?
- Who’s the better shower singer?
- Who’s the bigger party animal?
Rules for Playing Shoe Games at Weddings
- Make the bride and groom sit on chairs with their backs towards each other.
- Both the bride and groom should hold one of their’s and one of their partner’s shoe in both their hands.
- The Emcee or host or the bridesmaids shall ask questions to the couple. To which the answer must be either ‘bride’ or the groom’. The couple won’t be allowed to speak, they will have to answer the questions by raising a shoe. For instance, if the answer is the bride, then both of them will raise the bride’s shoe and vice versa.
- The maximum tenure of the game is 10 minutes, which includes a series of 20-30 questions being asked.
Tips to make this wedding game more fun:
- Make sure that the questions are amusing and prepared well in advance.
- Have a set of questions handy.
- All the questions asked should only be related to the couple’s personal life which involves both of them.
- No question that can hurt anybody should be asked or added in the list.
- Get the wedding guests involved in the game. Allow them to ask a few impromptu questions (not too many, just a few)
- Keep a check on the scores so as to announce the results after the show game.
- Lastly, have unlimited fun.
Wedding Shoe Game F.A.Q.
How many questions should you ask during the Wedding Shoe Game?
The Wedding Shoe game requires 30 to 40 questions. You can cover a variety of topics, from simple questions to more personalized questions. If the caller or couple decides to embellish any questions or answers, then you should reduce the number of questions.
How long should the Shoe Game last?
The Wedding Shoe Game should last about 10 minutes. Assuming your response time is 20 seconds per question, and you have enough time for a brief crowd reaction, you will be able to ask approximately 30 questions. If you take a rapid-fire approach, you may be able to squeeze in a few more, but remember not to read off so much that guests cannot clearly hear the question, especially over lingering laughter.
When’s the best time to play the Shoe Game at a wedding reception?
After dinner is over, right before the dance party picks up, while the musicians are still prepping, play the Wedding Shoe Game. Keep your energy high while the band takes a quick break. We recommend you avoid playing during dinner, when you can focus on real eating and listening to toasts, or at the very end of the night when sleepy guests have left and drinks are flowing. In addition, you don’t have to wait until your wedding reception to play the shoe game. It’s the perfect party game for your engagement party or wedding shower too.
What is the wedding shoe game called? Is there another name for it?
Other names for The Shoe Game are The Newlywed Game (or Newlyweds Games) and How Well Does The Couple Know Each Other.
What can we play instead of the shoe game?
Many couples choose to play shoe games instead of activities like bouquet tossing or garter tossing. Other couples add it to their list of wedding reception activities simply because they enjoy playing games and want to keep their guests entertained on the big day.
If you enjoy playing fun wedding games but want to do something other than a shoe game, here are some ideas we’ve seen.
– Have your DJ set up a trivia game to play with your guests. You can do this with the same questions you would ask in a shoe game, or you can choose pop culture questions related to weddings (famous couples, wedding traditions, etc.).
– Large yard-style games such as corn hole, giant Jenga, giant checkers, etc.
Who reads the questions for the shoe game?
You can have your wedding DJ read the questions or ask your maid of honor or best man to read them (or they can take turns reading them).
It is much more personal if you have your best man and/or maid of honor asking the questions. But if they are not comfortable speaking in front of your wedding guests, your DJ or band leader would be a great option.
Do you have to use shoes to play the game?
No, you don’t have to use shoes to play this game. If you are uncomfortable taking off your shoes in front of a crowd, or just don’t like the name “shoe game”, you can use other options.
Here are some alternatives to the shoe game that we have seen.
– Face cutouts of the couple (The groom would hold the bride’s head, and the bride would hold the groom’s head). This is a great way to personalize the shoe game!
– Signs that say, bride or groom
– Name signs with the first name of each player
A Hilarious Video Example of The Wedding Shoe Game
Watch this video of a real wedding shoe game being played at a wedding reception:
These are some shoe game wedding questions that you can use for your next party. They are funny, dirty, and fun to play. You can use them as drinking games or just have some fun with your friends over dinner. If you don’t want to play the regular version of this game then try out our version which has more questions about relationships, daily life, and work/money-related topics.
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