It’s not just the bride who gets to put on a show. The groom has his own set of traditions that he can follow to make sure that this day is as memorable as it can be. One of these traditions involves coming up with fun questions to ask your bride or potential bride. The game of “How Well Do You Know the Bride?” will have everyone laughing and having a good time while also learning more about one another. Here’s how it works:
How to Play “How Well Do You Know the Bride?”
Step 1: Create a List of 20 Questions
The first step is simple: You need to come up with your questions. The things you ask should be varied and interesting. Try to come up with a few obvious questions, some funny questions, and some deep questions. Avoid tailoring the game to yourself and make it as general as you can.
Step 2: Prep Your Question Sheet Early On
Before the bridal shower starts, make sure that you’ve prepped your question sheet. You should type up all the questions (feel free to add a cute design!) and then print out copies for the guests.
Step 3: Hand Out the Sheets to the Guests
When the bridal shower is in full swing, hand out the question sheets. You might find that it’s easiest to put the printouts in the party bags. Tell the guests that they have to complete the sheets by the end of the event. Alternatively, you can host a quiz and have the guests answer the questions in real time as teams.
Step 4: Swap the Guests’ Answers
When all the attendees have answered the questions, it’s time to do some grading. Ask the guests to switch answer sheets with one another.
Step 5: Ask the Bride the Questions
Now the fun starts! Get the bride up in front of the crowd and ask her questions. As she is answering, each guest can mark the sheet in front of them. For every answer a guest gets right, they will get a point … and so on.
Step 6: Tally Up the Final Scores
Once you’ve asked the bride all of the questions, there’s nothing left to do but tally up the scores. Ask each of the guests to count how many points were scored on the sheet they have. Then, ask the graders to deliver the sheets back to their original owners.
Step 7: Give the Winner a Prize
When you have the final scores, give a shout-out to the winner. Having a prize ready for the highest-scoring player is a nice touch. You might want to get the winner some chocolates or even a bottle of bubbly.
When it comes time to play the game, you’ll need to make sure that everyone has a pencil and paper. They should also have their question sheet ready so they can write down their answers as quickly as possible.
20 Fun Questions to Ask About the Bride
Are you a natural-born wordsmith? If the answer is no, you may be looking for some inspiration. When you’re drawing a blank, think of the types of questions you want to ask. To help you along the way, we’ve divided our examples into four different categories:
Questions About Her Past
- What was the bride’s first job?
- When was the bride’s first kiss and who was it with?
- Who was her celebrity crush as a teen?
- What was her favorite subject at school?
- What was the name of the bride’s first pet?
- What was your favorite toy as a child?
- How did you lose your first tooth or when did it fall out?
Quirky Questions About the Bride
A bride is a person with a lot of quirks. You probably know her very well and are familiar with her many eccentricities. However, you might not be so familiar with your guests’ knowledge of the bride’s personality.
Here are some quirky questions that you can ask during this portion of the game:
- Who is her celebrity crush?
- What is her go-to karaoke song?
- What is her hidden talent?
- What is the bride’s favorite dessert?
- How does the bride like her eggs in the morning?
What food does she love?
In-Depth Questions About the Bride
Looking to dig a little deeper? The next set you may want to include are in-depth questions about the bride. Think about things that not just anybody out there would know. Whether it’s her shoe size or golden nuggets about her family, there are many questions to ask:
- What is her shoe size?
- What is the bride’s middle name?
- What is her zodiac sign?
- When did the bride learn to drive?
- How many siblings does she have?
- What was her favorite cartoon as a child?
- What’s the best advice she ever received?
Questions About the Couple
You’ve watched the couple’s love story unfold. How much do you remember? To keep things interesting, why not add a few questions about the couple? These will show how much attention the guests have been paying. Try some of the following:
- How long has the couple been together?
- Where did the couple meet?
- In one word, what did she think of the first date?
- Where did they get engaged?
- Where are they going on their honeymoon?
There’s no doubt that the bride game is one of the best icebreakers for your party. It gets everyone involved and has them excited to know more about each other. Not only do they have fun doing it, but they also get to learn something new about their friends and family as well! With this game, you can be sure that everyone will have a great time so go ahead and try it out today!
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