Have you heard of the Newlywed Game? The Newlywed Game is a classic game show in which couples answer questions about each other. The goal is to guess how your partner would answer, but there are some key differences in how it’s played today.
This wildly popular activity is the perfect way to spice up any wedding-related event. The game is most commonly played at the bridal shower, but you can play it at the couple’s engagement party, at the bride’s bachelorette party, or even at the wedding reception.
Here’s how to play this fun party game that everyone will enjoy!
What Is the Newlywed Game?
The Newlywed Game is a fun party game that’s all about quizzing the couple. From their favorite food and drink to their real first impressions of each other, it delves into a variety of topics.
How to Play the Newlywed Game
- Prep ahead of time: Before you play the game, prepare your questions so that they’re ready to go when the time comes.
- Run through basics: Before playing the game with people, practice with a friend or two to get used to it and make sure you know how everything works.
- Keep score: Make sure that everyone has fun, but also remember that this is a competition! Be sure to keep track of who wins for everyone to know who came out on top at the end of each round
Our Top 50 Newlywed Game Questions
It is not recommended to use all 50 questions during a game of the Newlywed Game, as it could take up a significant amount of time. Instead, consider selecting 15 to 20 of your favorite questions to use. This will allow for a more enjoyable and manageable experience for all participants.
- What did they wear on the first date?
- Who is their embarrassing crush?
- Who’s the better kisser?
- What’s their star sign?
- What’s their weirdest quirk?
- Who said ‘I love you first?
- Who is the tidiest?
- Who is the best cook?
- Who is most likely to deal with a spider?
- Which Disney character are they most like?
- What is their worst habit?
- What is their pet name for you?
- What is the thing they’re most likely to end up in jail for?
- What is the thing they’re most likely to go viral for?
- What is their favorite thing about you?
- What is their favorite thing about themselves?
- What is their favorite pizza topping?
- What’s her bra size?
- What is [her partner’s] shoe size?
- What is the first movie you saw together?
- What is their favorite movie?
- What would be their last meal?
- Would they rather spend an evening in with you, or a night out with you?
- What are you most likely to argue about?
- What is their favorite flavor of potato chips?
- If they could only eat one food for the rest of their life, what would it be?
- Who has the worst handwriting?
- What celebrity couple are you most like?
- What would be your partner’s dream job, other than the one they are doing now?
- What’s their most prized possession, or the item they’d save in a fire (apart from you!)?
- How does your partner like their tea or coffee?
- How does your partner like their eggs cooked?
- If they could throw a themed party, what would it be?
- Who is the better driver?
- What’s their dream car?
- What is their go-to karaoke song?
- Who has the most exes?
- What celebrity would they want to be stuck on a desert island with?
- What’s their favorite movie/band/TV show, if they’re trying to be cool?
- What’s their favorite movie/band/TV show, if they’re being honest?
- What was their first pet called?
- What’s their favorite thing that you wear?
- Which item of clothing of theirs do you hate the most?
- Who would win in a game of Monopoly?
- What is their biggest fear?
- What is their favorite flavor of ice cream?
- If they were on ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire, who would their phone-a-friend be?
- What was the best present they ever gave you?
- Your partner wins the lotto – how would they spend it?
- Who will be the most hungover after the wedding?
Engagement and Wedding Newlywed Questions
Congratulations on tying the knot! Now it’s time to enjoy the blissful newlywed life, but before you do, why not start off by having some fun answering newlywed questions with your partner? From hilarious real-life stories to meaningful reflections on your relationship, Engagement and Wedding Newlywed Questions offers the perfect way to get to know your spouse better and strengthen your bond.
- How long had you been dating when you became engaged?
- How many guests did you invite to the wedding?
- What adjective best describes your spouse on your wedding day?
- What was on the menu at your wedding?
- What is the worst thing that happened on your wedding day?
- What was the best?
- Who caught the garter at your wedding?
- Who decided on the walking down the aisle song?
- How long after you were engaged did you get married?
- Which of you had more guests at the wedding, you or your spouse?
- How many tiers for your wedding cake? What kind of cake?
- Who caught the bridal bouquet?
- Who decided which song to play for your first dance as husband and wife?
- How did your family react to the engagement announcement?
Deep Newlywed Game Questions
Are you ready for the deepest and most revealing Newlywed Game yet? Put your knowledge of your partner to the test with these questions and fun challenges. The Deep Newlywed Game Questions will bring couples closer together and help you understand each other better. Be ready to laugh, share, and reveal your true feelings for each other, as these questions and tasks are sure to bring you all closer together. So get ready to ask these questions and dive even deeper into your relationship!
- Is your spouse more like their mom or their dad?
- If your spouse had 5 extra hours to spend in their day, what would they do?
- Does your spouse keep a diary or journal?
- What’s something that always makes your spouse laugh?
- If your spouse had to choose an actor to play in a movie, who would they choose?
- Is your spouse a pessimist, an optimist, or a reali, st?
- Who spends the most money on personal items?
- What would your spouse say are your worst and best personality characteristics?
- What would your spouse say are their best personality characteristics?
- What would your spouse say are their worst personality characteristics?
- What is their most annoying habit?
- What is your mate’s biggest fear?
- What does your spouse want to be doing career-wise 5 years from now?
- Who is your spouse’s hero?
- What is your spouse’s most proud of?
- What’s something that makes your spouse cry?
- Who is more disciplined?
- If your spouse could change anything about themselves, what would it be?
- What is the biggest way that your spouse wastes money?
- What is your mate’s biggest fear?
Fun and Flirty Newlywed Questions
The Newlywed Game has been a popular game show for decades, and it’s no surprise why! The game is simple, fun, and flirty. If you’ve never played before and are looking for some questions to ask your spouse or significant other, we have some suggestions for you.
The newlywed game is best played with questions that are funny and embarrassing—but not too naughty! We’ve come up with a list of questions that fit the bill perfectly:
- How does your partner tell you that they’re in the mood?
- Who’s better in bed?
- What song would best describe your spouse in the bedroom?
- Who’s giving the massage?
- Going in for a hug, where do your hands normally go first?
- How would you describe your time between the sheets: Fast and furious, broken down, or slow and steady wins the race?
- Who is the dominating partner in the bedroom?
- When is your spouse the most appealing to you?
- What song describes your spouse in the bedroom?
- What grade would you give your spouse for their lovemaking?
- What does your partner wear to bed?
- What adjective describes your spouse in the bedroom?
- How long does your lovemaking usually last?
- Do you make love as often as you would like?
- Is your partner a side, back, or stomach sleeper?
- Where is the strangest place you have made love?
- What is your spouse’s favorite time of day for making love?
- What do your spouse’s sexiest pajamas look like?
- What do you find most physically attractive about your spouse?
- How would you describe your spouse on your wedding night?
Relationship “Firsts” Newlywed Questions
- What did your spouse get you for your first Christmas together?
- What was the first car your spouse ever owned?
- What was the first movie that you both watched together in a theater?
- What was the first thing your spouse said after the proposal?
- What was the first trip you two took together?
- What was your first fight and what was it about?
- What is your first memory of your spouse?
- How would you describe your spouse on your first date?
- On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the very first meal your mate ever cooked for you?
- What was your spouse wearing the first time you met them?
- Who said “I love you” first?
- What’s your official dating anniversary?
- When did you first say “I love you”?
How Well Do You Know Your Wife Newlywed Questions
How well do you know your spouse? Do they have a penchant for starchy or sweet foods? Are they more of a dog person or a cat person? Are they the type of person who prefers to leave their shoes on in the house, or do they kick them off and walk barefoot around their home?
Trying to answer these questions is hard enough if you’re just interacting with your spouse daily. When it comes time to play an actual game that requires answering these same questions about your partner, the task becomes even more difficult! In fact, thThereouplmany couples who cannot The Newlywed Game without having players randomly guess some answers (which is cheating).
But don’t worry! There’s no need for you and your S.O., FHBF (friend-husband-boyfriend), BFFL (best friend-for-life), or CFFB (couple friend for life) not to be able to complete The Newlywed Game together without help from someone else asking questions—like us! We’ve got everything that you need right here at The Newlywed Game store—we’ll even pair up any two people so long as those individuals are willing participants in our program!
- Who of their friends is your spouse most similar to?
- Does your spouse have a catchphrase? What is it?
- What’s a story your spouse tells to every new group of friends?
- What is your spouse’s favorite podcast?
- What is your spouse’s favorite book?
- What is your spouse’s favorite holiday?
- What is your spouse’s favorite type of cuisine?
- What is your spouse’s favorite season?
- What is your spouse’s favorite junk food?
- What is your spouse’s favorite color?
- What is your spouse’s favorite emoji?
- Who is your spouse’s celebrity crush?
- What adjective would your spouse use to describe themselves?
- What is their favorite drink?
- One thing my spouse would never do is ________.
- What do they talk about the most?
- Would your spouse rather be an astronaut, a sailor, or a backup singer?
- If they could spend $500 on anything, how would they spend it?
- If they had to take one thing to a deserted island, what would they take?
- If they could pick up and go anywhere in the world right now, where would they go?
How Well Do You Know Your Husband Newlywed Questions
The Newlywed Game is a game that tests how well you know your partner. This can be fun to play with friends, or you and your significant other can play it together. The goal of the game is to guess the answers they give with their partner’s help. You may have heard this from other couples before, but there are many ways to play, so don’t get stuck in one method!
You can use any combination of props for whatever theme you like. Some suggestions include:
- How would your spouse spend the ideal vacation?
- What story does your spouse’s family tell about them over and over again?
- What’s your spouse’s favorite joke to tell?
- What is your spouse’s favorite bonding activity?
- If your spouse had to eat one food for the rest of their life, what would it be?
- What kind of candy would your spouse want to be in a piñata?
- What is their signature dance move?
- If they could be any kind of instrument, what would they be?
- What is a sure-fire way to get on their nerves?
- Which would they choose: the power of flight, or the power of time travel?
- If you could treat your spouse to anything, what would it be?
- What adjective would your spouse use to describe you?
- Your spouse has $50 to spend for you. What do they buy?
- If you and your spouse had five hours to spend together doing anything you want, how would you spend it?
- What word would your spouse use to describe your family?
- What emoji best represents your spouse?
- Which is most like your spouse: a unicycle, a bicycle, a tandem bicycle, or a tricycle?
- What was the most recent gift that you got from your spouse?
Newlywed Questions About the Two of You
In order to play newlywed game, you’ll need to ask your partner a series of questions. Most of them will be about the two of you—questions about your relationship and how long it’s been going on, questions about each other’s personalities, questions about your pasts. But some will also be more specific: what do they think of their own spouse? What kind of person are they attracted to?
To help guide you through this process, here are some sample questions grouped by category that can be used as inspiration for writing up your game cards:
- If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Where would your spouse like to live if they had a choice?
- If you woke up one day and found out your spouse had lost their memory, what would you do?
- Where would your spouse choose to go on a dream vacation?
- If you planned your dream vacation, where would you go and what would you do?
- How many kids do you want? How many does your partner want?
- One thing we will never, ever agree on is ______.
- Out of the two of you, who is more decisive?
- When my spouse sends me to the doghouse, where might that be?
- What was the last thing you two argued about?
- If your partner could be compared to a cereal, what would it be: Fruit Loops, Lucky Charms, Honey Bunches of Oats, Rice Krispies, or Cocoa Puffs?
- We are complete opposites when it comes to _______.
- Describe your spouse’s appearance on a day when you’re just lounging around the house: “Always ready to go out,” “keepin’ it casual,” or “did they even brush their teeth?!”
- I really wish my spouse would _________ at home.
- What is your spouse’s favorite thing to cook?
Newlywed Questions About Your Spouse
- What would your spouse say is their biggest pet peeve?
- Does your partner like it when you wear makeup?
- Will your spouse say that you spend more money, they spend more money, or you spend money equally?
- What was your partner’s first job?
- Which one of you is the biggest procrastinator?
- If the two of you went on a double date with another couple, who would your spouse want to go out with?
- Has your lover ever cried during a movie?
- Which one of you is the first to fall asleep at night?
- Does your spouse prefer pizza, wings, steak, or one of each, please?
- If the two of you went to visit a pet shelter together, would your partner head to the dogs or the cats first?
- If the two of you were on a date, which one of you would be the most likely to look at your phone during the main event of the date?
- Would your spouse say you are a morning person or a night person?
- Does your partner prefer long hair, short hair, or it doesn’t matter at all?
- When going to a restaurant, does your lover prefer a sit-down or a buffet?
- What are you lovebirds saving up for?
- How many sets of dishes do you currently own?
- What is the name of your partner’s favorite store?
- Finish this sentence: “Our wedding was almost perfect until __________.”
- When it comes to replacing the toilet paper roll, should the paper go over or under?
Newlywed Questions About Your Partner
The Newlywed Game is a classic game show. The premise of the game is simple: two married couples compete to see who knows each other better through a series of questions.
There are three rounds in total, with each round asking the same kind of question but with different topics. The first round is general knowledge about your partner (such as “What’s your favorite restaurant?”), second round is personal habits (“What’s your favorite time to go grocery shopping?”). Finally, the third and final round asks about friends and family members (“Whose kid do you think would win in a fight?”, etc.).
- Who will your spouse say is the more romantic one in your relationship?
- Which one of you is elected to turn off the lights at night?
- If your partner were to describe you as a superhero, who would it be?
- Which one of you usually picks the restaurant?
- When it comes to food, does your lover prefer Mexican, Italian, Chinese or American?
- Would you say your spouse does most of their shopping online or do they go out to the store?
- When it comes to the music genre, which one would your spouse say is your favorite?
- When the two of you are in the car together, who controls the radio?
- Does your lover prefer juice, coffee, soda or something else with their breakfast?
- Would your partner say that you’re the type of person who likes to try new things or stick to their guns?
- If your spouse could spend a day in the life of someone else, who would it be?
- If you had to leave your house in an emergency what are the two things your lover would say you would grab on your way out the door?
- What are the two most important things your spouse will say that you must have on your sandwich?
- What are two things you have in your house that your partner could never live without?
- If you two were expecting a baby, who would your lover want to tell first?
- When your spouse plans a picnic, what are two things they are sure to have in their cooler?
- When you plan to go out for dinner, what two restaurants would not be on the list of choices?
- What are your partner’s favorite TV shows to stream?
- If you were to plant a vegetable garden, what are the two must-haves your spouse would insist on planting?
Fill-in-the-Blank Newlywed Questions
- “When we eat snacks my spouse loves when I put out__________, but watch them frown when they see__________.”
- “When it comes to his underwear, my partner likes theirs to be__________, and is uncomfortable in a pair of__________.”
- “When I buy soap, my lover really hopes it smells like__________ because they can’t stand the smell of____________.”
- “Every time our friends come over for game night my spouse hopes we are going to play___________ and not__________.”
- “My partner can fix a__________ like a boss, but when it comes to fixing__________ he needs a little professional help.”
- “Regarding furniture, my spouse loves to sit on_________, but hates to sit on__________.”
- “When it comes to buying air freshener, my partner prefers the house to smell like__________, but can’t stand it if the air freshener makes the house smell like__________.”
- “When it comes to shopping for lunch meat my husband always runs for__________ but turns his nose up at___________.”
- “When we go to a bar, my spouse always drinks___________ but he can’t stand the taste of___________.”
- “If I were to dye my hair he would like it to be__________, but he would hope that I didn’t color it____________.”
- Complete this sentence: Not many people know it but my spouse is really good at ________.
- When my partner wakes up in the morning they are likely to find my _____on her _____.
- Complete this sentence: I knew I had found the love of my life when they _______________.
Most Likely To… Newlywed Questions
- Forget a birthday or anniversary.
- Remember the name of the friend you just introduced them to.
- Wear the same jeans 3 days in a row.
- Force the other to go to the doctor.
- Electrocute themselves.
- Sleep in and be late for work.
- To get arrested.
- Tell off a coworker.
- Come back from the grocery store without the items they went to get in the first place.
- Run out of gas.
- Do something romantic, just because.
- Ignore the Check Engine light.
- Pick up the tab after dinner.
- Tell a white lie to avoid hurting someone’s feelings.
- Spend more money than they can afford.
- To get a tattoo.
- Lock the keys in the car.
- Go to bed angry.
- Forget to flush the toilet
- To lose the TV remote
Holiday-Themed Newlywed Questions
- There’s one piece of Thanksgiving pie left, who gets it?
- If you could travel anywhere in the world for the holidays, would your spouse choose a warm spot or someplace snowy?
- Which lovable Christmas character is your spouse: Frosty, Santa, Buddy the Elf or the Grinch?
- Which family member is your spouse most excited to see over the holidays?
- Who’s more likely to sing Christmas carols in the shower?
- Who has a gift list and who just wings it?
- Who’s more likely to pay $50+ for an ugly sweater?
- Who needs to call in the professionals to wrap gifts?
- What is your spouse’s favorite Christmas movie?
- Who is the last-minute shopper?
- Who’s the most likely to be thrilled to get socks as a gift?
- Who is going to be the first one out of bed on Christmas morning?
- Who shops online, and who shops in-store?
- Would your spouse rather go gift shopping with you or clean the toilet?
- When describing you as a Christmas food, your spouse is most likely to call you a___: a turkey, eggnog, candy cane or fruitcake?
- Who is more likely to say/do something embarrassing at the office holiday party?
- Who’s more likely to pass out 5 minutes after Christmas dinner?
- Who is more likely to re-gift?
- Who’s more likely to be waiting under the mistletoe?
- Who spends more on gifts?
Even More Newlywed Game Questions
- Which one of you cries the most?
- What is your better half’s hidden talent?
- Where would you like to live with your spouse after you retire?
- What did your better half want to be as a kid?
- Who is the bookworm?
- What is your spouse’s zodiac sign?
- What is your spouse’s nickname?
- Which of you is more probable to invent something really cool?
- Who is your spouse’s celebrity crush?
- What’s your idea of celebrating anniversaries?
- Which partner tends to kiss more?
- Who is better with kids?
- Who is more generous?
- Which of you takes forever in the shower?
- Which of you is the party animal?
- Who is the most outgoing?
- Who is the chatterbox?
- Which of you is very creative?
- Which of you loves adventure?
We hope that you enjoyed learning about the Newlywed Game and how to play it. It’s a fun game that allows people to show off their knowledge of one another, and it can be great for parties or gatherings with friends. We think this game is a great way to get some laughs while also getting to know your partner better!
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