Wedding receptions are the perfect opportunity for couples to get creative and showcase their sense of style. But what do you do if you don’t have a theme? Or if you want something fun, but also want it to fit with the tone of the wedding itself? Well, then it’s time to think outside the box! That can mean anything from a roller skating reception with an ice cream bar (yes, really) to an entrance that takes place on a hot air balloon. Here are some ideas that will help you decide on your dream entrance on your special day:
In This Article
How to get the best wedding party reception entrance photos?
Get organized
It is important to coordinate your grand entrance with the DJ or MC.
Many times the DJ will get the names of grandparents, parents, wedding party members, ring bearers and flower girls before the reception begins.
We believe this should be done a day or two prior to the wedding for the rehearsal.
This makes it simple to line up in order and not get confused.
You can spend more time at the cocktail party if you are organized before the wedding.
Print a list for your DJ a day or two before the wedding with the names and roles of the people who will be announced at the reception.
You can also add your song choices for each announcement (some couples choose a different song for each announcement, some couples choose a single song for the entire wedding party and then choose a second song for the bride and groom (or groom on a bike) .
This will reduce a lot of the delays we usually see on the wedding day before the reception starts.
PS: Full tips at the end of the article.
Coordinate with your photographer and videographer
You will need to coordinate your wedding party entrance with your photo and video team.
Typically, your photographer and videographer will set up the lighting and/or strobes for the entrance and first dance.
In order to get the best results for your photos, your photographer will want everyone to be announced in a specific spot on the dance floor before they do whatever they are doing (posing, high-fiving each other, spinning each other, dipping each other, etc.).
Ask your photographer to give instructions to the wedding party before they announce. That way they will know exactly what to do and when to do it.
A common mistake we see (which usually happens when there is no communication) is the photographer pointing the flash at the center of the dance floor.
If the photographer doesn’t tell the wedding party this, the announced couple will usually do their thing as soon as they walk into the reception room (it’s only natural to want to do this when you hear your name being announced).
By the time the announced couple makes their way to the center of the dance floor (where the light is best), they have completed their fun entrance and are making their way to their seats.
Ask your wedding photographer to coordinate with the wedding party prior to the announcement and you will have amazing photos.
Your wedding party entrance photo is the first photo you’ll take with all of your closest friends and family. It’s an important moment, so make sure to follow these simple steps to ensure you get the best results:
- Make sure everyone arrives on time. The photographer is counting on everyone being there when they arrive to take pictures, so don’t be late!
- Get a group shot of the whole wedding party once everyone gets into place. This will give you something to remember for years later—and it’s fun for those who weren’t in other photos taken during your reception.
- Don’t forget about taking individual shots of each member of your bridal party before they go off into their separate areas at the reception. These can help tell more stories about each person as individuals instead of just as part of an ensemble cast (which happens sometimes).
Wedding Entrance Ideas For The Bridal Party
The bride and groom are the stars of the show, so your entrance should be fun and memorable. The wedding party’s entrance is a great opportunity to have everyone in on the fun!
With this in mind, it’s easiest if you enter last so that you can be sure that everything goes off without a hitch. But don’t feel obligated to wait until everyone else has arrived before making your way down the aisle; if you’re worried about being late, ask someone to stand at the back door with you so they can let out any stragglers who arrive after you’re already in place (and make sure there are no other doors that could open during this time).
If anyone in your bridal party will be bringing their kids along with them, include them in on some of these ideas—it’ll keep things from getting too boring for them!
1. Piggyback Rides
- Have a good grip on your partner. You don’t want to fall, and you deficit want to fall while carrying the bride.
- Make sure you have a safe landing area. If you plan on doing this as an entrance at a wedding reception, do some recon work beforehand so that there aren’t any obstacles in your path (like parked cars or bushes). If it’s indoors, make sure there are no low-hanging lights or air conditioning units that could impale the newlyweds during their grand entrance!

2. Faux Snow Fall
- Use a dry ice machine. Dry ice is a solid form of carbon dioxide, and freezing it creates a fog that looks like snow. You can purchase dry ice at certain grocery stores or online; it’s important to use gloves when handling dry ice since it can burn your skin. Make sure you have a fire extinguisher handy before you start using this prop!
- Use a snow machine. Snow machines are easy to use and come in many different sizes—you’ll need to choose one that fits with the size of your room or space (and budget).
- Use a fog machine with water instead of smoke fluid inside so that it looks like falling snow!
3. Make it rain money
- You can use fake money or real money, but either way, this is a great addition to your reception entrance! Make it rain by throwing the money in the air or dropping it from above (if you have an outdoor wedding, this is a great way to make guests feel like there’s a chance for them to catch some cash).

4. Big Head Funny Masks
Big head masks are a fun way to get everyone at your wedding reception excited! They can be used for photos and videos, and they’re easy to make. You can use any theme you like, or even make up your own. Big head masks are also available online if you’d rather skip the DIY process.
5. Show some school spirit
If you and your partner went to the same school, make sure to show some school spirit! If you don’t have a mascot, then put on a wig or makeup and dress up as one. Have them lead the bride and groom in. Or have the mascot throw a football for everyone to catch. Or have them give high fives to all of your guests: bride, groom, family members, friends… everyone!
Another fun way is to have the mascot do some cheers or dances with the crowd while they wait for their cue to come out onto the stage with you.
6. The Office inspired wedding reception entrance
The Office inspired wedding reception entrance is one of the most popular choices among couples. If you’re a fan of The Office, this idea can be easily adapted to your theme. The best part of this idea is that it makes good use of props and costumes while keeping things simple and inexpensive.
The guests are greeted by Michael Scott (you) as they enter. You can do this by standing at the door with your arms spread wide open and welcoming every guest individually with a huge smile on your face.
If you want to take things further, you can also invite some other characters from The Office like Dwight or Jim for example!
7. Photo Booth Props
Photo booth props are a great way to add some fun to your wedding reception. For example, if you’re having a beach theme, you could put out fun beach-themed props in the photo booth area. Some examples of these include sunglasses, buckets and spades, and fake dollar bills that say “Just Married.” If you want more ideas for themed photo booth props, check out our guide below!
8. Carry Sparklers
Bringing sparklers to your wedding is all about having fun and expressing yourself. If you want to make an entrance with them, consider the following tips:
- Have a friend hold the sparklers for you. Don’t try to do it yourself; this can cause serious burns if the sparkler isn’t handled properly.
- Keep the sparklers at least two feet away from your dress or other clothing. You don’t want to burn anything!
- Hold one hand under your arm while holding the sparkler in the other hand (or use both arms if needed). This will protect you from getting burned by hot wax or ash that may fall off of a lit sparkler when it is swung around by someone else’s hands without proper protection on their body parts too; they might accidentally knock into something while they’re trying not just walk down a hallway but also wave around some lighted flashlights/torches up a high overhead level in front of everyone’s faces as well as behind their backs so we’re sure no one gets burned–and possibly injured even worse if we’re talking about how easily these things could start fires inside buildings made out mostly out wood materials like ours was built upon wooden frames built into brick walls surrounding us from all sides with no windows except on one side where there were two glass doors leading outside leading somewhere else outdoors away from here…

9. Do a short skit
If you’re planning a wedding, you might want to do a short skit that has something to do with the theme or location of your wedding. For example, if your reception is being held in Hawaii and you are inviting all of your friends as well as their families, it would be fun for everyone involved if you did something like this: You could have each table come up with a Hawaiian name for themselves and then display those names on their table tent cards. The tables could also wear shirts or hats (made by the bride or groom) that have the same design printed on them. It’s important not only to choose these things ahead of time but also to practice performing them several times so that everybody knows what they are supposed to do!
10. Film a Music Video in advance
A music video is a great way to make your entrance memorable, but it’s not the only way. You can also use props or other elements of the reception to add some fun flare to your entrance. For example, if you’re having a country-themed wedding, consider having someone in overalls carry you into the room on an old fashioned wagon. If you are getting married in Paris and want to show off what makes France so special, then this could be another great option!
Whatever route you decide to take with your entrance idea at your wedding reception, remember: it doesn’t have to be anything fancy or expensive! Just think about what brings both of you together as a couple and go from there!
11. A themed entrance with costumes
If you have a theme for your wedding, the perfect way to start is by having the guests dress up in costume. They can come as characters from your favorite show or movie, or be dressed up based on their interests and personalities. This will help set the tone for your big day and get people excited about it!

12. Enter as superheroes
If you’re having a superhero-themed wedding, then consider walking into your reception as your favorite hero! You can make the costumes yourself or hire someone to do so. There are many different options for themes—Batman, Spiderman, Superman, and Wonder Woman are some of the most popular choices for superheroes. Whether you choose to go with masks or whole costumes will depend on how much time and money you want to spend on this part of the entrance ceremony.
If you want something more elaborate than just buying a mask and cape from Amazon (and there is nothing wrong with that), consider hiring an artist who specializes in creating custom costumes. They can create anything from head-to-toe ensembles made out of foam latex down to fabric accessories like capes or belts if necessary.
13. Confetti Drop
A confetti drop is a fun way to celebrate your entrance into the reception hall. It’s also an easy way to make guests excited for your arrival, and it can add a sense of excitement that feels like you’re walking down the red carpet at a movie premiere or concert.
Bring the excitement of a parade or concert to your wedding with this dramatic entrance! The confetti can be customized to match your theme, and it’s sure to wow your guests. It will also get everyone pumped up before they take their seats at the head table!

14. Balloon Drop
A balloon drop is a great way to add some color to your wedding entrance. It’s fun, easy to do, and most importantly: inexpensive!
To prepare for your balloon drop, you’ll want to ensure that you have enough balloons of the same color (or different colors if you’re going for an all-over rainbow effect). You can order these online in bulk or pick them up at the store—I’d recommend doing this early so that people can begin blowing up their balloons in advance.
Once everyone has arrived at the venue and taken their seats around the dance floor area (or wherever else they’ve been asked), it’s time for things to get started! First of all, make sure that everything is set up with music playing and lights dimmed before starting any announcements or speeches so no one gets distracted while they wait on yours truly! Now comes the crucial part where everything else depends on timing out when each person should come out from backstage into view so as not only maximize impact but also give everyone enough time before moving on to the next person.”
15. Old Vintage Car
If you’re looking for a way to make your entrance as unique as possible, this is it. A vintage car can be rented from a local car rental company or even borrowed from a friend who owns one. Make sure that the driver of the vehicle is sober and knows how to drive a stick shift before hitting the road with your wedding party! It’s also important that you have a spare tire in case any flats occur. And don’t forget to make sure there’s enough gas in the tank—you don’t want your guests stuck in traffic on their way home after such an amazing night!
16. Have them arrive on a horse
If you want to kick off your reception with a dramatic entrance, having your guests arrive on horseback is the way to go. If you don’t have the space or budget for horses, shhh—don’t tell anyone! You can also use other animals like camels or elephants as substitutes.
Horse-drawn carriages are another option that can be used for weddings and receptions alike. They’re romantic and fun, but beware: they’re expensive! So if you’re going to invest in this option, make sure it’s worth it by making sure there will be enough people willing to ride in them so that the business makes some extra money from their services (you’ll likely still need insurance regardless of how many people ride).
As long as we’re talking about props, we might as well mention this next one…
17. Dirt Bikes!
If you’ve ever dreamed of riding a motorcycle, but don’t have the time or money to buy one, then dirt bikes are your ticket! These lightweight and small motorcycles are easy to ride and perfect for small spaces. They’re also relatively inexpensive—you can rent one for as little as $50 an hour.
It’s important to note that these types of bikes cannot be driven on public roads or highways; they’re only legal on private land with the owner’s permission. But if you’re looking for a unique way to arrive at your wedding reception (and not just another boring limo), this could be the perfect option!

18. Get Sporty
You can also have your wedding party entered in a fun and unique way. For example, why not have them enter on a scooter or skateboard? If they’re still too nervous to ride without training wheels, you could even add a sidecar for them to get used to riding.
This is another great option if you want something that’s out there but also stays true to the theme of having an active wedding reception entrance idea.
If you’ve got someone in your bridal party who has been trying their hardest at the gym lately (you know who we’re talking about), this might be a great option for them! It’s just like riding a bicycle except…you know…on two wheels instead of four! The best part is that they’ll get lots of attention when they show up on one of these things because everyone expects motorcycles or bicycles but not segways!
19. Switch Clothes
The most obvious way to do this is to change out of your wedding dress into something funny. But if you’re looking for something a little more fun, why not switch clothes with your spouse?
Another option is switching outfits with friends or family members who are attending the reception. Guests could get creative and show up in their unique outfits—you’ll certainly stand out in a crowd!
20. Giving birth to a beer
One of the funniest entrances is to have your partner give birth to a beer. Get a fake beer belly and attach it to you, then put a fake baby in your arms. The other guests will be shocked, but when they realize what’s going on and laugh, it’ll be even better!
Take some pictures with the baby carrier attached so that you can post them later on Facebook or Instagram. Then take off all of the props and get ready for dancing!
21. Have a dance-off
Dance-offs are a must-have at any wedding reception, and they can be used in a variety of ways. Here are some ideas:
- Have the bride and groom dance off against each other to win the title of the best dancer at the wedding party.
- Same idea, but this time have one bridesmaid compete against another for the title of the best dancer in the bridal party. The winner then gets to choose who wins next year’s Miss Congeniality award at your bachelorette party!
- Have all groomsmen dance off against all bridesmaids for bragging rights about who has better moves on their night off (and it’s not just about being able to do choreography). This dance battle will take place after midnight because everyone knows that men get more competitive when drunk so we need everyone else out there too!
22. Walk in a Parade
Who says you can’t parade your love around town? Hire a band to lead a parade outdoors in between the wedding ceremony and reception. Not only will it keep loved ones entertained and engaged, but it’s also a bold way to kick off the after-party.

23. Masquerade
If you’re looking to add an element of elegance, mystery, and sophistication to your winter wedding, a masquerade entrance is the way to go. You can find beautiful masquerade masks on Amazon or Etsy to purchase for each member of your wedding party. Imagine making a grand entrance into your reception with your masks on, and then passing them on to your wedding guests afterward. This unique and beautiful idea will surely make your wedding unforgettable.
24. A Line Dance
I must confess, I absolutely adore line dancing. It’s a great way to get in the groove and encourage guests to hit the dance floor.
If the wedding party wants to make a grand entrance, why not consider a line dance to some catchy tunes? It’s a fun and energetic way to kick off the celebration and get everyone up and dancing. So, put on your dancing shoes and get ready to boogie!
more ideas:
What is the grand entrance at a wedding?
The grand entrance at a wedding can be as simple or elaborate as you want it to be. It’s the moment when the bride and groom are brought down the aisle (or walk down themselves) for their first dance as husband and wife. This is generally done in front of all of your guests, so make sure that you choose one that will make everyone gasp with excitement!
You can either have this be an independent ceremony or part of your wedding ceremony itself. In some cases, the couple may enter from different sides of the room after they’ve already said their vows and already been pronounced man and wife by their officiant. In other cases, they’ll both walk down together before they’re officially introduced to everyone else at the reception hall or dinner party venue where they’re having their reception dinner later on that evening/morning/afternoon/etc.
Wedding Party Entrance: Do’s and Don’ts
I’ve shared some really fun wedding party entrance ideas. Here are some additional tips to help make it go smoothly and perfectly.
Build Rapport
Not everyone in the wedding party knows each other; most of them probably met for the first time during wedding planning.
Encourage them to bond by working together and sharing their ideas, which will help them feel relaxed and eliminate any awkwardness that may arise at the wedding.
Be Care of Props
Props are a great addition to your wedding party.
Make sure that any props you choose are appropriate for the wedding and are easy and safe to handle.
You don’t want your wedding party or guests to have to deal with the problems that can come with unsuitable props during the grand entrance.
Keep it Short
Whatever fun entrance idea you choose, make sure you stick to the script and keep it sweet and fun for your guests. Enjoy it and have as much of it as possible.
Plan with Your Media Team
Pictures and videos allow us to freeze time and relive memories. Trust me, your bridal party entrance is definitely something you want to relive.
Discuss camera angles and ideas with your photography team and make sure they know your entrance plans to ensure maximum documentation of the goodness.
Carry Your DJ and MC Along
Plan your entrance with your bridal party and your DJ and MC for the best results. Give your DJ a list of every member of your bridal train.
Reviewing with him will help avoid mispronouncing names.
Also, plan your musical arrangements with the DJ. Choosing whether to use the same song for all announcements or whether you want to use different songs is also something you need to consider.
Arranging all of these things will avoid delays and make your reception more fun.
Notify Your Bridal Party of Last-minute Changes
Finally, coordinate with the wedding party to make sure everyone stays in line to handle any last minute decisions or changes that may be made.
I’ve shared some fun entrance ideas for bridal parties. Here are some extra tips that’ll help you pull it off perfectly.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does the bridal party walk into the reception?
The order is determined by you. Typically, it should be the parents of the bride and groom, the flower girl and ring bearer, the best man and maid of honor, followed by the bride and groom.
How do I pick a wedding reception entrance song?
There are a variety of wedding entrance songs to choose from and there are not many rules.
The most important thing is to choose a song that you and your loved one both like – a song that you can easily dance to at the reception.
In what order should the bridal party be introduced?
While there is no golden rule for this, most weddings use the following order.
– Announcing the bride’s parents: You can say, “Please put your hands together for the bride’s parents [names].”
– Announce the groom’s parents: you might say, “Welcome the groom’s parents [names].”
– Identify the other parties to the wedding: let’s have a round of applause for the bridesmaids (say their names) and the best man. (Say their names) and be accompanied by the bridesmaids and best man.
– You may also go ahead and name the flower girl and ring bearer.
As you can see, there are plenty of fun ways to make your wedding reception entrance more memorable. Whether it’s a grand entrance with balloons and confetti, or your bridal party dressed as superheroes and riding dirt bikes—there are so many options out there! All it takes is some creativity and hard work from both the bride and groom’s side of the family (plus any friends who want to help out).
Try things out of the box and incorporate one or more of the fun entrance ideas shared in this article.
Keep in mind that you should only select an option that is appropriate for you!
Also, pay attention to your budget.
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