When it comes to bachelorette parties, it’s easy to get stuck with the same old games: Spinning the bottle, truth or dare and dirty truths. And while those are great games, they can get old fast! In this article, I’ll be sharing 18 different game ideas for your next bachelorette party. These will keep things interesting and new for everyone involved.
Bachelorette parties can be fun!
Every girl deserves to have fun with her closest friends. And if you’re the bride-to-be, your bachelorette party is a fantastic way to spend time with the ladies before you tie the knot. Whether you’re planning a last minute getaway or a week-long vacation, there are tons of great ways to celebrate your last days as an independent woman.
Here are 18 games that will make any bachelorette party more fun and exciting:
Newlywed game
The Newlywed Game is a classic party game, and it’s one that your friends will love. This hilarious game can be played with a group of people or just the bride and groom (which is what we recommend). The couple stars in this game and are asked questions about their relationship and each other to see how well they know each other.
For example: The hostess asks the newlyweds “What was your first impression of your partner?” If he says something like “I thought she was cute,” then she gets one point for saying something nice about him or if he says something mean about her like “she smelled bad,” then she gets points for being mean about him! You get the idea!
What’s in your purse?
For this game, everyone in the group has to answer the question “What’s in your purse?” without just giving an inventory list of items. They must tell a story about each item they pull out. This is a great way to learn more about one another and have some fun with personal details that might not usually come up at parties or other social events.
For example, if someone pulls out their keys, they could share how they got them (for instance: “These were given to me by my mom on my twelfth birthday”) or what they symbolize (“This keychain represents my favorite band”). If a woman takes out her wallet and flips through it, she might explain where she bought it or why she keeps certain cards in there (“I always keep these two credit cards because I want to be able to buy anything I want online if I ever run into problems”).
Drink if
This is a great game to play with a group of people, and it’s easy to make the rules more or less strict depending on how many people are playing.
Each player gets an equal amount of drinks, and each player takes turns saying something about themselves that everyone else must guess. For example, “I have never gone skydiving” or “My favorite color is blue” or “I was born in New York City.” If someone guesses correctly what you said before your time runs out (which lasts for about thirty seconds), then you drink the number of sips that corresponds with your guesser’s age (i.e., if they were born in 1990, then that person would take three sips). If no one guesses correctly within thirty seconds, all players drink their full glasses and refill them again!
This fun game can be played with any type of alcohol because it doesn’t require any skill or strategy whatsoever—just some quick thinking and fast reflexes!
Ring Hunt
Your friends will love this game, because it involves a bit of mystery and competition, but also teamwork. It’s a little like Ring Around the Rosie, which means your guests will have fun moving around and feeling up each other. The bride is blindfolded and given one minute to find as many rings as she can. The rest of the party guests hide the rings around in various places—on their person, or in a room or area. Once she has found all her rings (or doesn’t after one minute), she tries them on until she finds the real one. This game also works if there are multiple bridesmaids involved!

Read my lips
- You’re going to want a few people (at least three) for this game, but it can also be played with just one person if you don’t have enough guests.
- The premise is simple: one person says a word and the next person has to guess what it is by interpreting their lip movements. For example, if your friend says “butter,” you could interpret that as “buttahh,” which would be incorrect because she meant butter. After guessing incorrectly three times per round of play (or whenever time runs out), the player leaves the game—but they can return when everyone else has been eliminated!
Bachelorette scavenger hunt
- What you need: A list of items that the bride and her friends can find. You can get this from any number of sources, including Pinterest or Etsy. Be sure to include a few props like wigs, hats, T-shirts, and sunglasses.
- How you play: The game begins with each girl being given a bag containing the first item on their scavenger hunt list (for example, an old shoe). The bride has the final item (a pair of high heels) hidden somewhere in her house or apartment. Then everyone gets to work looking for objects on their scavenger hunt list while avoiding getting caught by other players! If someone finds an object on their list (or if they’re lucky enough to snag one from another player), then they must yell “I’m here!” so everyone knows where she is at all times; if someone gets caught without having found an object yet (or goes too long between shouts), she has to take off one article of clothing before continuing her search again later on during gameplay.”
Lingerie Shower Bingo
You’ll need:
- A pack of bachelorette party games. You can find them at any store that sells party supplies, or you can order one online.
- A theme for your party, like “wedding night” or “naughty school girl.” Choose a theme that fits well with the kinds of activities you have planned for the evening.
- A set of lingerie and other outfits to fit the theme (if applicable). If necessary, choose some items from this list:
- Lingerie sets (bra & panties)
- Garter belt & stockings
- Baby doll nightgowns
- Slippers/slides
- Put on some music and set up the game by laying out all its pieces around a table (or several tables). 2. Read through each card aloud as a group so everyone knows what each activity means before trying it out! 3. Take turns picking a card at random until everyone has tried all 14 activities; then start again! 4. Clean up after yourselves when you’re done playing—and don’t forget to hang those stockings back up where they belong!
Prosecco Pong
- The most important thing to remember when playing Prosecco Pong is that there’s no shame in buying a bottle of prosecco from the store if you don’t have any on hand. Not only does this save you money and reduce waste, but it also means you can play immediately!
- You’ll want to make sure everyone has a glass of prosecco before beginning the game so they can get drunker faster, and the ideal ratio of players to glasses is two-to-one (so for every two players, use three glasses). That said, if your group has fewer people than glasses available or you’d prefer not to drink alcohol at all then leave one glass empty—your party will still go down as planned!
- If someone misses his or her shot with the ball during Prosecco Pong he or she must take a sip from their drink before trying again. This ensures that everyone gets drunk enough while keeping things competitive and fair.
- To make Prosecco Pong more challenging try playing blindfolded; after each round remove another item of clothing until there’s nothing left but your shoes (or leave them on if they fit comfortably). With no sight lines at all now in play players must focus even harder on knocking those balls into their cups across the room without spilling anything over themselves first!
Dirty Minds
Dirty Minds is a silly game that’s perfect for a bachelorette party. Get a group of people to play, then get a list of 25 words or phrases (for example: “hotel,” “cucumber,” “shoe fetish.”) One person reads out the word from the list and everyone has to guess what it is. If they get it right, they get one point! The first person to reach 5 points wins the game.
Bachelorette Jenga
- Jenga is a great game for a large group of people.
- It’s easy to set up and play.
- You don’t have to be good at stacking blocks to win this game!
Pin the Macho on the Man
This is a classic bachelorette party game that will take very little preparation. All you have to do is choose a mannequin or any other object and place it in the middle of your room. Make sure he’s wearing something colorful that stands out. Now, blindfold the bride and spin her around until she gets dizzy! After she’s lost all sense of direction, give her a sharpie and let her write down one word on his back. This word can be anything at all (i.e., “sexy”). Then let him stand still while everyone tries to pin their macho onto his shirt/back/pants with some tape or something else sticky (glue would be too messy). Whoever gets closest wins!
Pin the Kiss on the Spouse-to-Be
If you’re looking for a fun game to play at your friend’s bachelorette party, look no further. Pin the Kiss on the Spouse-to-Be is an easy and hilarious game that involves blindfolds, pictures of the bride and groom (or any pair of people), and a sheet of paper with their faces on it. The bride might not want to kiss her fiancé with all those strangers around, but she definitely wants to win this game!
All you need is:
- A picture of the bride and groom (or any two people)
- A large piece of poster board or cardboard
- A marker
Toilet Paper Wedding Dress Contest
- Each girl gets a roll of toilet paper, and you all stand in a circle.
- The first girl holds up her roll of toilet paper and says, “I am going to make this into the most beautiful wedding dress ever!”
- She then proceeds to wrap her entire body in the TP. She can use any technique she wants, but must wear all of it at some point while still keeping her hands free. It’s best if she puts on undergarments (bra or panties) underneath as well—this will help keep things looking nice and tidy once she’s done wrapping up.
- After each girl has had their turn, you decide on a winner based on which one looks most like a real wedding dress (or at least something akin to it).
Pass the Orange
Pass the Orange is a game that you can play with just about any group of people. All you need is an orange, some tape (or string), and a sharp knife.
The rules are simple: take turns passing the orange from person to person around the circle until someone drops it. If you drop it before anyone else does, then you lose!
If there’s more than one loser in a round, then everyone gets another turn where they can pass the orange again. When one person gets three wins out of four times being passed by others—that’s when she wins!
Adult Pictionary
The game of Pictionary is a classic that everyone loves to play, and you can make it even more fun with some adult twists. For example:
- Make an X-rated dictionary. If you don’t have one, or if your friends aren’t familiar with how to play the game, then it’s best to start by choosing a word and drawing what it means (for example, draw a stick figure doing yoga poses). Then flip through the dictionary until you find another word that looks similar to your first choice (for example, “fancy” could be replaced with “bizarre”). Your teammate will think that these two words are related somehow and guess accordingly.
- Use special props instead of drawing directly on paper—this makes things a lot more interesting! For example: bring along some markers which are shaped like body parts; use only specific colors such as red for blood or blue for water; use certain types of paper (such as construction paper) in order to limit what kind of images can be drawn on them
Bachelorette Roulette
If you’re looking for a game that will test your friends’ luck—and maybe even make them a little nervous about the future—then this is for you. Bachelorette Roulette is essentially just a spin on the classic game of roulette. To start, each player gets one chip and sits in a circle around a round table with their backs to each other (so they can’t see what everyone else has selected). The bride-to-be spins the wheel while everyone waits with baited breath to see where their chips will land. Once she’s finished, everyone turns around and claims their winnings!
This game works best when there are more girls than boys at your party (or vice versa). It also helps if there are some players who have never played roulette before so they can learn along with everyone else!
Naughty Bingo
Naughty bingo is a fun way to get your guests involved, so we highly recommend it. It’s also a good way to get people to know each other if they don’t already, since you’ll all have to dance together at some point. You can make the cards as naughty as you want—you can even use them in other games after!
During this game, everyone starts off with an equal number of chips (say 20). Each round, someone will say something and everyone has 30 seconds to write down what they think that thing is on their card. When time is up, everyone stops writing and covers their answers with a chip (if they don’t want anyone else knowing what it is). The host reads aloud every answer one by one until there’s only one left without someone covering it—that person wins all the chips!
The next round begins by picking another player at random who then becomes “it” and reads aloud yet another item from her list before giving others 30 seconds again…
How well do you know the bride?
This is one of the best bachelorette party games because it’s like a mini-Jeopardy! game. The bride should know all of the answers, as should her groom and bridesmaids. Guests should know none of the answers.
The bride will ask questions about herself, her future husband and wedding planning (e.g., “What is my favorite flower?”). She can also ask questions about her guests or anything else she wants to know more about. This can help get to know each other better and give people some time to talk!
These games are fun, easy and, most of all, not embarrassing!
That’s right, I said it: these games are not embarrassing. They’re easy to play and learn so that your party can get started quickly. And they’re also perfect for keeping everyone entertained while you get ready in the morning or during breaks between activities (if you decide to do them all in one night).
You won’t have to worry about finding a “winner” or having players who know each other but don’t know what game they’re playing—everyone is on even ground with these games!
Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I buy bachelorette party games?
Most bachelorette party games don’t require much in the way of supplies; all you need are a few notes and writing utensils. If you prefer a more formal game, party supply stores, Amazon, or anywhere that sells board games will have enough options. Etsy is also a great source for personalized games to make the experience even more special.
What prizes are available for bachelorette party games?
If you know this group well, you can easily customize the bachelorette party prizes to their tastes. Some of our favorite options include free drinks from the bar, silly helpers or small self-care gift sets like candles. Bragging rights are also a timeless and timeless option that never goes out of style.
If you really want to put together the best bachelorette party ever, you’ll have to think outside of the box and make your own games. But don’t worry—we’ve got plenty of ideas here! I hope you found something that suits your taste and skill level. Please feel free to share any other ideas with us in the comments section below so we can all enjoy them too!
What kind of games are popular for bachelorette parties?
There are many types of games that can be played at a bachelorette party, including scavenger hunts, drinking games, trivia games, and creative challenges such as designing wedding dresses out of toilet paper.
What are some fun bachelorette party drinking games?
Some popular bachelorette party drinking games include “Never Have I Ever,” “Truth or Dare,” and “Most Likely To.” You can also create your own custom drinking game based on the bride-to-be’s interests or preferences.
What are some creative challenges that can be played at a bachelorette party?
Creative challenges can be a fun way to get everyone involved and let their imaginations run wild. Some ideas include making wedding dresses out of toilet paper, designing wedding cakes out of Play-Doh, or creating a scrapbook or photo album for the bride-to-be.
Are there any bachelorette party games that can be played virtually?
Yes, there are many bachelorette party games that can be played virtually over video chat, including online versions of classic games like Pictionary and charades, as well as trivia games and virtual scavenger hunts.
How can I make sure the games are appropriate for the bachelorette party guests?
Before selecting games for the bachelorette party, make sure to consider the ages, interests, and personalities of the guests, as well as any cultural or religious considerations. Avoid games that could be offensive or uncomfortable for some guests, and make sure that everyone feels comfortable and included in the festivities.
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