There’s nothing wrong with wedding guests snapping some photos at the reception — that’s what the hashtag is for! — but people who are glued to their smartphones throughout the ceremony can ruin professional pictures, while also taking others out of the moment.
Encourage friends and family to stay present and device-free by posting one of the 20 clever unplugged wedding signs below.
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What’s an unplugged wedding?
An unplugged wedding is a ceremony where guests are asked to refrain from using their electronic devices, such as smartphones, cameras, and tablets, during the ceremony. This allows guests to fully engage and be present in the moment, without distractions from technology.
How do you announce no cell phones at a wedding?
There are several ways you could announce that no cell phones are allowed at your wedding. Here are a few ideas:
- Include a note in the invitation: You could include a brief note in your wedding invitation stating that cell phones are not allowed at the ceremony or reception. This will let your guests know in advance so they can plan accordingly.
- Put up signs at the venue: Consider putting up signs at the entrance to the ceremony and reception venues reminding guests to turn off their phones or leave them in their cars. You could also have someone stationed at the entrance to remind guests and ensure that phones are not brought into the venue.
- Ask your officiant to mention it: If you are having a traditional wedding ceremony, you could ask your officiant to mention that cell phones are not allowed during the ceremony. This will help ensure that guests are aware of the rule and can put their phones away during the ceremony.
- Enlist the help of your wedding party: You could also ask your wedding party to help remind guests about the no cell phone rule. They could make announcements or simply remind guests to put their phones away during the ceremony and reception.
Overall, the most important thing is to communicate your no cell phone policy clearly to your guests so they know what to expect.
Unplugged wedding sign ideas
- “Please silence your phones and enjoy the unplugged ceremony”
- “Please be present in the moment and leave your devices behind”
- “Put down the phone and pick up the love”
- “Join us in creating a distraction-free atmosphere”
- “Capture the memories with your hearts, not your screens”
- “Let’s unplug and connect with each other”
- “Leave the electronics behind and share in the joy of the day”
- “Unplug and unwind as we celebrate our love”
- “Join us in disconnecting to fully connect with the love and happiness of the day”
- “Let’s create a social media-free zone and enjoy the unplugged wedding”
Professional Photography
“Welcome family and friends! We’ve hired a photographer to capture how this moment looks with their camera, so you can capture how it feels with your hearts.”
“We’ve asked a professional photographer to capture this special moment so that you can sit back, relax and enjoy it with us. Our beautiful images will be available after the wedding.”
“There’s a pro here taking pictures – we asked them to come. Please rest your cameras as our ceremony only needs one!”
“As we tie the knot, please be our guest. Our photographer will take care of the rest!”
In the Moment
“Welcome to our unplugged wedding. We invite you to be fully present with us during our ceremony, so please turn off all phones and cameras. Thank you!”
“The bride and groom kindly request an unplugged ceremony. Please turn off all devices and enjoy being fully present in this moment with us.”
“The greatest gift you can give us today is to be truly present, so please turn off all phones and cameras and enjoy this special moment with us. ”
Sea of Smiles
“The bride and groom request the joyful sight of your smiles, without the distraction of electronic devices.”
“Please turn off your cameras and devices until after the ceremony. We want to see your lovely faces and happy smiles!”
“Please switch off your devices and stow them away, we’d love to see your smiles aiming our way.”
Plugged-in Reception
“Please turn off all phones and cameras as we exchange our vows. Photos welcome at our plugged-in reception!”
“We’re so glad you’re here! Please stow away your phones and cameras until the reception. We promise to share the beautiful pictures taken today.”
“Please honour our wishes with no photos until we’re announced as Mr and Mrs!”
“Thank you for coming! We have but one plea. Please keep our ceremony camera-free. Though our I Do’s are unplugged, our reception is not. Once our vows are exchanged, you’re free to take a shot!”

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