We all know that proposing is a big deal. It’s the moment when you get to ask your partner to spend their life with you, which is pretty amazing! But it can also be stressful if you don’t know what kind of proposal will make them say “yes.” So we’ve come up with 20 ideas for proposals that are sure to wow anyone who loves romance:

Propose Everywhere Online
If you’re like me and love to share pictures of your significant other on social media, then this is the perfect way to propose.
- Use Social Media: This one’s obvious, but it can be a lot of fun for friends and family following along. Post photos on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter with the hashtag #myBFFsaysyes! And don’t forget about Snapchat – that’s where all teens are these days!
- Use a Billboard: It doesn’t have to be an actual billboard – just something that stands out enough so people will notice it when they walk past. If you want a real billboard (or one of those digital ones), try Googling “billboard advertising” or “billboard rental.” The cost will vary depending on how much space you need and how long you’ll need it for; but if this is something that fits into your budget, I’d say go for it!
- Use a Website: Most people don’t mind being online now more than ever—and what better way to show off your commitment than through an interactive website? You could even use this opportunity as an excuse for taking pictures together all day long.
- Use Video: As long as there’s WiFi nearby, take some time out from planning your wedding day by shooting some footage using whatever camera equipment is available at hand (or borrow something). The more creative input goes into creating these short clips beforehand—whether they’re dancing around while singing along with their favorite song lyrics inside our own heads—while waiting patiently outside while someone else finishes up doing whatever task needs done next.”
At Home
There are many places you can pop the question in your home, but some of the most popular include:
- The kitchen
- The bedroom
- The living room
- The garden (if you have one)
- Your backyard, if it’s big enough to fit all of your friends and family!
On Vacation
- It’s difficult to forget an incredible proposal. If you’re looking for a way to make your big moment unforgettable, there are many creative ideas that will allow you and your partner to enjoy the moment in a romantic setting.
- The location should be ideal. You might want to book or rent out an entire restaurant just for the occasion, or consider going somewhere new together—like hiking or camping—where you can spend quality time among nature without distractions like cell phones or TVs.
- The proposal should be unique. While writing love letters is not exactly uncommon these days, there are other ways of showing that someone means something special in your life (and they don’t involve commercialism). For example: taking pictures together at each place where they first met; writing down meaningful words together using colorful markers on poster boards; doing something they’ve always wanted but never gotten around to doing together (like watching sunrise/sunset over ocean water), etc…
Private Jet
If you’re an adventurous person and have a million dollars to spare, then this is the option for you. Take her to the airport, but don’t tell her where she’s going. Get a private jet to take you to a destination of your choice with only one rule: no talking! Once on board, ask the pilot for a few minutes alone with your partner before takeoff so that he or she doesn’t know where they’re headed. This is sure to be an exciting surprise—and it will definitely ignite some romance in your relationship
Ask the Parents
How to get the parents’ blessing:
- Ask your partner if they already have their parents’ blessing. It’s best to ask before you make plans, especially if you don’t have a good relationship with your parents. If they say yes, then great! You can start making plans. If they say no, be prepared for some pushback from them. Keep in mind that this will be a big deal for your partner and not just something fun that you can do together at the last minute (though it could be). Asking without their permission may cause stress and tension between families that would otherwise not be there. So if someone says no, try another idea instead!
- When asking for permission from one parent or guardian over another—like asking mom/dad first—make sure both are on board before making any major decisions about how things will go down on engagement night.
Hire a Marryoke Singer
One of the most creative and memorable ways to propose is by hiring a professional singer to sing your favorite song for you. You can make it even more special by doing this at a place where there are lots of people around and making sure that you have the ring ready. This way, your loved one will be surprised when they see you with a guitar-wielding performer singing one of their favorite tunes. After they’ve accepted, hire someone who can capture those magic moments on camera so they can treasure them forever!
Hot Air Balloon Proposal? Yes!
If you have a big enough budget, consider proposing to your partner in a hot air balloon. This is one of the most romantic and memorable ways to propose. You can do it at sunset, or even during sunrise if you want!
Once you know when and where you want to propose, all that’s left is getting your proposal plan in order. Luckily for us, there are many companies that offer hot air balloon rides for couples (and even singles). The next step would be booking this amazing experience so that both of your dreams will come true on the same day: when they wake up on their wedding day as Mrs./Mr./Ms./Mr. & Mrs., they’ll get their first glimpse into their future as husband/wife–overlooking the city below them while floating in mid-air!
Make a Video Game
Making a video game is one of the most personal and creative ways to propose.
- Make sure it’s not too expensive. At first you may be tempted to create something that looks like it came straight out of an animated film, but you should keep in mind that creating something that’s too complicated or expensive can make the whole process take longer than you want.
- Make sure it’s not too difficult to make. You want your partner-to-be excited about playing their new game and having fun together rather than feeling overwhelmed by all the work involved in creating it!
- Make sure you have time to make it. If this is something that requires an extensive amount of coding or design skills, then do yourself (and your future spouse) a favor by making sure everything is ready before popping the question
In a Treehouse
The best proposal ideas are ones that bond you closer to your partner. If you’re looking for something that will do just that, then look no further than a little treehouse. With romantic lighting and the sound of insects buzzing around, this is sure to be an unforgettable experience.
When you’re ready to propose, get him or her in the mood by bringing them out on a picnic under the stars or maybe even some champagne if it’s after dinner time at night (again, make sure it’s legal). The next step is putting your ring on it!
Surprise Her with a Love Note in the Sand
You can write a love letter on the beach, or if you’re feeling more adventurous, leave a love note in the sand. You could leave it on her towel while she’s gone swimming and have her find it when she gets out of the water.
This is a romantic idea that shows that you care about your relationship and want to create opportunities for romance.
Use Fairy Lights to Spell Out Your Message of Love
Using fairy lights to spell out your message of love is a great way to show someone how much you care.
- If you have access to a mirror, place it behind the fairy lights and let them reflect off of it. It will look like they’re floating in midair! This can be done on any scale, as long as there is enough room for the mirror and no obstructions between it and where you want your message to appear.
- You can also use a projector to project your message onto a wall or ceiling (or even just create some stars!). The possibilities are endless here—you could even set up multiple projectors so that they appear bigger than life!
- And if neither of those options appeal to you, why not try using smoke bombs? You’ll need quite a few for this one because each one has such low visibility once ignited—it’ll take thousands before anyone notices anything at all!
Give Her a Diamond Ring in Baguette Shape!
Diamonds are a girl’s best friend, and you can never go wrong with giving her a diamond ring. Not only is it one of the most common ways of proposing, but also you’ll be sure that she will love it. However, there are many different shapes that can be used for your diamond ring. You may want to consider choosing one that goes well with the style or personality of your future wife before making your decision on what shape to pick out.
Diamonds come in many different shapes including round, princess cut, emerald cut and more. Each type has its own unique qualities which makes them all worth considering when deciding which one will suit your future bride best!
Round Diamonds: A classic choice among men who want to propose with an engagement ring; these diamonds are considered traditional because they’re easy to recognize by anyone who sees them (therefore making them a safe bet). Round diamonds can also come in various sizes so make sure there’s enough money left after buying an engagement ring before thinking about anything else!
Write Your Marriage Proposal on a Car Window!
This is a fun way to get creative and show your love with a touch of humor. The best part about this idea is that it can be done at any time—whether you want to do it right away or wait until later, writing on the window will always be something memorable. The only thing you have to remember when trying this idea is: don’t use permanent markers! We know what you’re thinking: “But how else will I keep my proposal?” Well, there’s no need for such worries because there are plenty of options available that won’t ruin your vehicle’s paint job. Use waterproof markers instead!
Here’s How to Propose at Home with Candles, Bubble Bath, and Wine! (Oh My!)
- Light the candles and arrange them in a circle around your bath tub. Make sure they are far enough apart that they don’t touch and set fire to each other. Also make sure there is no flammable material near the room – this includes towels, magazines, or anything else that could catch on fire!
- Fill up your bath with water and add bubble bath so it’s plenty foamy when you get in. If you have pets or small children around the house who might knock over the bottle of champagne that’s waiting for us next step, put it somewhere safe as well!
- Place our sign on the door handle so everyone knows what we’re doing: “Ring in Hand” will suffice for most proposals (and for those who want something more elaborate I recommend this one).
- Open up the ring box and slip on my ring before getting into bed with me for some much needed relaxation time together after work 🙂
A Surprise Wedding Proposal in the Woods? Why Not!
Surprise wedding proposals in the woods are a great idea for couples who have always dreamed of getting married in a forest or park. If you’re planning to do this, make sure you take into consideration the time of year and how much daylight you will have. You don’t want to get stuck in the dark!
There are many ways to propose, and you know your love best : )
With all of the options available, you can be sure to find one that’s just right for you and your loved one. Here are some of the best ways to propose:
- Propose in a meaningful place. For example, if the two of you met at a local coffee shop, maybe have a romantic dinner there (or at least bring back their favorite food). Or if they love hot rods or motorcycles, go on a ride together and ask them while they’re sitting on the back of their favorite bike. There are plenty of places that mean something special to each couple—finding out what those places are is part of choosing who you want to spend forever with!
If you’re looking for a way to make your big moment unforgettable, consider planning your proposal in one of the luxury vacation rentals in Scottsdale, offering a romantic setting for you and your partner to create lasting memories.
In the end, it’s up to you and your partner how you want to propose. If you are looking for some inspiration, we hope that this list helped! It’s important not just because weddings are expensive (they are) but because they also come with so much pressure. Remember that the whole point of getting married is so that two people who love each other can spend the rest of their lives together—and if there’s one thing a marriage proposal should do, it’s make sure those two people have fun doing just that.
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