Wedding Colors & Ideas

How to Plan A Perfect Intimate Small Wedding Like a Pro

17 Ideas For Planning A Budget-Friendly Small Wedding

Weddings can be expensive. You may have seen the statistics about how much the average wedding costs and been shocked by how much money you’ll need to save up if you want to tie the knot. But there’s good news! You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on a traditional wedding ceremony in order to have one that’s gorgeous, classy, and fun. There are plenty of ways to make your dream day come true without breaking the bank—and many of them don’t require any extra effort on your part. In this guide, we’ll show you how to create an intimate celebration that will impress your guests while staying within your budget:

Intimate Wedding Ideas How To Have A Small Wedding

What is Considered a Small Wedding?

A wedding with fewer than 50 guests is considered to be a small wedding, as the average wedding typically has around 100 attendees. The size of your small wedding is entirely up to you, but keep in mind that creating a guest list can be difficult. Social obligations can sometimes lead to a guest list of 50 increasing to 60 or 70 with additional guests and plus ones.

A small wedding might also mean an intimate ceremony with just family members, or even just one other couple getting married at the same time as you. It’s all about finding something that works for you and your partner—and if it takes longer than six months to do so? That’s OK! You’re not in this alone: there are plenty of resources available online from other couples who have gone through the same thing before (including us!).

How to have a small wedding on a budget?

1. Small Backyard Wedding Reception

Small Backyard Wedding Reception Ideas

What’s the perfect theme for your backyard wedding?

A lot of people consider a backyard wedding to be an intimate affair, but it doesn’t have to be! Bring in some of your favorite childhood toys and decorate with them. You can create a carnival-like feel with a Ferris wheel and giant games like Twister or Jenga, or have fun by turning the tables on traditional weddings: host it in a tent, serve hot dogs and candy instead of fancy hors d’oeuvres, use plastic plates instead of china. This can all help make your party feel more festive without breaking the bank.

How do I plan for my backyard reception?

Use our tips below to plan ahead and save money on your wedding day!

  • Consider hiring someone from Craigslist or TaskRabbit (or similar services) who may know someone who has access to tents, chairs, tables/linens/plates/silverware etc — this way they can borrow rather than buy these items! The same goes for other important supplies such as flowers — ask friends if they know anyone else who’d like some extra cash by helping out with yours! If not then maybe try asking neighbors too 🙂 Also don’t forget about renting out space nearby where you could store things overnight before moving them over during setup time so that no extra driving has to happen right before kickoff 🙂

2. Tying the Knot at a Family Home

Intimate Micro Wedding Ceremony

Having a wedding at home is one of our most affordable and favorite small wedding ideas. If you want to have your wedding at home, both backyard and indoor can be considered. If you’re worried about the weather consider having the wedding indoors, or if the weather is perfect have a backyard wedding! Home can be the home of the happy couple, one of their parents, or another generous family member or family friend who would like to host.

3. Small Brunch Wedding

Small Brunch Wedding

Brunch weddings are popular and can be a great option for a small wedding. Brunch weddings are often less expensive than dinner weddings and have been gaining in popularity over the past few years.

Brunch ceremonies are typically less formal than dinner ceremonies. For example, family members may take turns reading from scripture during the ceremony instead of having one person read it all. If you don’t think your guests will dress up for brunch, consider asking them to wear something more casual like jeans or khakis with a nice shirt or blouse instead of suits or dresses (unless you want them to). You can also have your photographer take pictures before the ceremony starts so people can change into more formal attire later if they want to do so.

4. Have a Small Chapel Wedding

Small Chapel Wedding

Small chapel weddings are a great option for couples who want to have an intimate wedding with fewer people, but don’t want to spend a lot of money. Chances are your state or town has plenty of small chapels that can accommodate you and your guests.

Chapels often have more flexible rules about what kind of ceremony you can have and how many guests are allowed at the ceremony. Many chapels are happy to work with couples when it comes to setting up an intimate wedding, especially if they know you will be bringing business their way after the event.

The smaller size and modern feel also makes it easier for people visiting from out of town as well as those who live nearby since they won’t need such large accommodations like hotels or restaurants during their visit.

5. Small Destination Wedding

Small Destination Wedding

  • You can save money on the venue. If you’re planning to get married in a location that isn’t near your hometown, this is probably one of the biggest reasons why you would consider a small wedding.
  • You can save money on transportation. If you already live where your venue is located, this won’t apply to you! But if not, renting out an entire plane may be cheaper than hiring limos for everyone involved!
  • You can save money on food and drinks. Instead of having three courses of food (which are expensive), offer guests a buffet with only two or three options so they have more room in their stomachs to enjoy themselves later on at the bar or restaurant where they’re going after the ceremony ends.
  • You can save money on officiant fees by asking someone who knows them well enough – like another relative – instead of using someone professional like an officiator who will normally cost hundreds of dollars just for performing some rites during those important moments…

6. Get Married at City Hall

Get Married at City Hall

Another option is to get married at City Hall. Some couples want that element of privacy, but they don’t want to miss out on a full reception. If you’d rather have a smaller ceremony then celebrate with friends and family later, this can be an option for you. Or, if you’re looking for just one intimate celebration without any other festivities, City Hall could do the trick!

7. Family Style Dinner

Family Style Dinner

Family style seating for small wedding

One of the best ways to save money on your small wedding is to serve a family style meal. This can either be a buffet or sit-down dinner, depending on how many guests you have and how much money you want to spend. If you’re hiring caterers, it’s important to make sure they are familiar with serving small families and intimate parties so that everyone feels welcome and comfortable at your event. You should also make sure there is an alcohol policy in place so that no one gets too tipsy!

8. Opting for a Low Key Wedding

Low Key Wedding

You can have the perfect small wedding even if it doesn’t fit into the traditional idea of what a wedding should be. You don’t need to get married at a big church or have hundreds of guests to make your day special and memorable. All you need is love and that’s where I come in.

Here are my top tips for having an intimate and low key wedding:

  • Don’t invite anyone you don’t want to see at your wedding party! If someone has been mean to you, skip them on your guestlist. If they just aren’t that important in your life, leave them off too! The more people who are invited, the more pressure there will be on each person coming and therefore making things more complicated than they need to be (and potentially ruining other people’s good time). Also remember that some people might not feel comfortable about attending such intimate celebrations if they’re not close enough with either one of those involved in getting married themselves; so keep this in mind when deciding who gets invited (i.e., only invite close family members).
  • Choose simple decorations instead: No need for anything fancy here; just stick with something elegant but simple like white roses arranged around mirrors hanging from ceilings instead of centerpieces filled with fruit pieces like oranges or grapes which might spoil over time since no one wants moldy table settings during their reception dinner later on down road when hosting their own parties after getting married themselves someday soon after yours takes place first.”

9. Cut the Wedding Party

Cut the Wedding Party

We’re sure you’re going to be surprised, but having a small wedding doesn’t necessarily mean you have to invite fewer people or cut the guest list. Instead, it’s all about who is in your wedding party and how many of them there are.

When we say “cut the wedding party,” that doesn’t mean you should get rid of them altogether — it just means that every single person involved with your special day (including anyone who can help set up or take down) should only perform one role. So if you want someone to act as a photographer and DJ at the same time, then they should do both jobs separately on different days. This way all of their attention will be focused on one specific task throughout the entire process instead of splitting said attention between two different things during the same event. And since there aren’t any other parties involved with this particular celebration, no one has to worry about getting back from their honeymoon before planning another one!

10. Investing in Memorable, Unique Touches

rustic small wedding reception

If you’re planning a small wedding, it can be tempting to skimp on the details. But if you have a few splurges in mind (and can afford them), your big day will stand out from all those other weddings you’ve been to.

A few things that are worth investing in:

  • Your venue – It’s not just about the view; a great location has atmosphere and character that will make it memorable for guests long after they’ve left. If you want something more low-key, think of ways to incorporate those elements into your decorating plans!
  • The food and drink – Everyone remembers what they ate at their last wedding—it’s one of the only things that makes sense since we’re all invited there for food anyway! So go ahead and treat yourself; whatever your budget allows for is probably fine here. Consider hiring an expert who’ll help with tastings so everyone gets exactly what they ordered! A good caterer will also come prepared with backup options in case anything goes wrong—a minor detail but still important nonetheless!

11. Create a Lounge Area

rust wedding lounge area

Your guests may be eager to take a break from the dancing and photo-taking to sit back and relax. Set aside a small section of the venue where they can do just that. Consider having an area with a bar, or just have a coffee table with some refreshments set up for your guests. If you have any extra space in the venue, create a lounge area by pulling in couches or chaise lounges for people to hang out on. You can also provide chairs for them to rest their feet if they want to pop up from their seats every once in awhile!

12. Limiting Your Guest List

Rust dusty orange silk slip bridesmaid dresses
Source: natalyjphotography / Buy similar dresses here

Keeping your guest list small is the most obvious way to keep your wedding intimate. It’s also helpful if you’re looking to save money. If you have more than 100 guests, chances are that it won’t feel very intimate. You’ll have to hire more staff and rent more space, which will cost you a pretty penny—so if you can keep your guest count under 100 people, do it!

The first step in keeping your wedding day intimate is thinking about who exactly needs an invitation. While this may sound obvious, it’s important not to forget anyone when choosing your guest list. If there’s someone in particular that doesn’t deserve an invite—perhaps because they’ve been less than kind toward either of you or simply because they don’t fit into the type of event that would make sense for this day—feel free to cross them off the list (or politely decline their RSVP).

Another reason why having a small wedding is so important is that it makes room for all of those non-traditional aspects of weddings we mentioned earlier: intimacy between families and friends by virtue of their numbers; meaningful connections between everyone involved; real joy at being together again after months apart; simplicity in terms of logistics like food preparation and cleanup; freedom from stress while planning everything out ahead of time… And these aren’t just nice things to have! They’re essential components that make up any successful marriage (and life) together.”

Tips: How Many People Should I Invite To My Wedding?

13. Invite More Guests Virtually

Virtual Wedding Invite Card Template Live Video Templett image 1

$4.45 | Etsy

Inviting guests to your wedding might be the most exciting step of planning, but it also comes with a lot of pressure. How do you decide which friends and family members are invited? Do you invite everyone? Just those who are closest to you? And what about distant relatives—do they have a place at the table or will they be relegated to the back row?

No matter how big or small your wedding is, there’s one way to ensure everyone finds out about it: send out invitations. But before you start sending out physical invitations (or even email invites), consider sending virtual ones first. There are plenty of ways to reach out and let people know that an event is happening without having them come face-to-face with their RSVP card on paper.

14. Intimate Ceremony and Large Reception

planning a small wedding bride groom ceremony arch

Choosing an intimate ceremony and large reception is one of the most popular ways to plan a small wedding. The idea is simple: you invite as many guests as you can fit into your venue for the ceremony, then host a larger party at a later time. This way, you get multiple opportunities to celebrate your union – not just on your wedding day, but also at rehearsal dinners or events before and after the big event.

If this sounds like it’s right for you, take these steps:

  • Choose a venue that will accommodate both crowds comfortably. For example, if you’re having 200 guests at your ceremony and another 200+ at an evening reception hall (or other location), make sure they are in close proximity so that people don’t have long drives between events or feel rushed when traveling between them.
  • Set aside funds for extra amenities during any post-ceremony receptions—whether held in conjunction with another celebration or not—such as DJ services and bartenders’ fees because these costs can add up quickly!

15. Weekend vs Weekday Weddings for Small Celebrations

  • Weekend Weddings: It’s a common trend to have a wedding on the weekend, as it’s a time when most guests are off work and able to attend. However, weekend dates tend to fill up quickly, especially for larger weddings. With a smaller wedding, you may have an easier time securing a desired weekend date due to fewer guests to accommodate.
  • Weekday Weddings: An intimate wedding can also be held on a weekday, with fewer guests to consider, it may be possible to coordinate time off work for friends and family, allowing you to celebrate on a day that holds special significance.

16. “Customizable Food Stations” for a Personal Touch

At a small wedding, offering “build your own” food stations can be a fun and practical addition. With fewer guests, it’s easier to organize and eliminates long lines at the food buffet. This option also allows for a personalized touch, as guests can create their own desired meal.

wedding menu ideas

17. Save Money On Wedding Flowers

Wedding flowers can be a costly expense for many couples. However, there are several ways to save money on wedding flowers without sacrificing on beauty. One option is to choose seasonal flowers that are readily available and less expensive.

Another way to save is to opt for a simple bouquet or a single statement flower instead of an elaborate arrangement. You can also incorporate flowers from your own garden or from friends and family.

Additionally, opting for potted plants as wedding centerpieces that can later be replanted in your home can also be a cost-saving idea. With a little creativity, you can have stunning floral arrangements at a fraction of the cost.

Click the image below for tips on how to save money on flowers.

How Much Do Flowers Cost For A Wedding

Pros of Small Weddings

There are many benefits to having a small wedding. If you’re worried about the stress that comes with planning a large event, then you’ll be happy to know that this can be avoided with a smaller celebration. Small weddings also tend to save money and eliminate the need for an extensive guest list. The focus of your intimate ceremony will be on the bride and groom instead of other aspects of the wedding such as decorating or flowers, which means more time spent enjoying yourselves rather than worrying about things like what color linens are appropriate for your theme!

  • Cheaper: Smaller weddings are often cheaper because fewer guests can be seated and invited. You can use the extra money in your budget for a honeymoon, an elaborate menu, or saving for your future together.
  • Close guests only: Smaller weddings are more intimate, so you can enjoy face-to-face time with all your guests instead of running around thanking distant cousins for their attendance. Improve the guest experience by keeping it small!
  • Easier DIY: When there are fewer guests, it’s easier to create DIY invitations, decorations, wedding favors and more.
  • More venue options: A smaller guest list means you have more potential wedding venues to consider.
  • Save for the honeymoon: Smaller weddings are cheaper, so you can put some of that money towards the honeymoon of your dreams! Weddings are all about the bride and groom, so don’t forget to give yourself a great honeymoon after the wedding.

Cons of Small Weddings

Having a small wedding can be a great option for couples who want to focus on just the two of them. However, there are also some cons that come with it:

  • Difficult guest list cuts: While you may look forward to cutting your annoying coworker or your difficult aunt, some cuts will be difficult. You may not realize just how many people you actually want there on your wedding day!
  • You can’t invite everyone you want to. You may want to get married in your childhood church or have your best friend from college as your maid of honor, but if you’re having a small wedding, these things may not be possible.
  • Your friends and family may feel left out or hurt if they aren’t invited. This can cause issues in the future that could affect your relationship with these people, so make sure you talk about this before announcing your engagement!
  • Fewer gifts: Wedding gifts can essentially help pay back some of the expenses from your wedding. With fewer guests, you won’t get as many gifts.
  • Who pays? Often, the parents of the bride and even the groom help pay for the wedding. If your parents don’t get to invite their guests, however, they may be less willing to chip in.

There will be less money spent on the wedding itself since it’s smaller in size and scope than traditional ones (i’m talking about flowers). Keep this in mind when deciding how elaborate things should be; don’t go overboard just because you think it’ll look nice!

How To Plan a Small Wedding

First, you’ll want to pick a venue and date. This is the most important step because it will determine how much everything else costs. A small wedding is only as good as its venue—you can’t get around that one fact!

Next, set a budget for your wedding so you know what kind of event you’re able to host. If money’s tight, considering having an intimate elopement instead of holding an elaborate affair with lots of guests and decorations.

Then decide on a guest list—if there are people who shouldn’t be invited due to distance or lack of relationship (like exes), then just invite them anyway! Who cares? You don’t have time for hatefulness when planning this historic event in your life! Just make sure they understand that they aren’t really invited if they RSVP “yes.”

Now comes choosing vendors: photographer(s), DJ/band/caterer(s), florist(s). Of course these are all things every couple needs but don’t forget about other essentials such as transportation on the day-of (limo service) and rentals like tablecloths or chairs if needed…or even flowers for centerpieces at tableside—be creative when it comes time decorate!

You can have a gorgeous, stress-free wedding without breaking the bank.

You can have a gorgeous, stress-free wedding without breaking the bank. Small weddings are becoming more and more popular, and with good reason: they’re beautiful and stress-free! You’ll save money on the venue (which usually costs hundreds or even thousands of dollars), catering (also expensive), and other expenses such as flowers. A small wedding can be held anywhere—not just at your backyard or local park—and still be incredibly beautiful.

You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars to throw an amazing party for your friends and family. With this guide as your guidebook, you’ll learn how to make all of your guests feel special while also saving money on the things that don’t matter most (like being able to afford something from every plate).

how to plan a small wedding


Why have a small wedding?

A small wedding can be a more intimate and personalized experience for the couple and their guests. It can also be more cost-effective and allow for more focus on special details and personal touches.

What is the average number of guests for a small wedding?

The average number of guests for a small wedding can vary, but it is typically considered to be between 50 to 75 people.

Can a small wedding still feel special and memorable?

Yes, a small wedding can still feel special and memorable. With a smaller guest list, the couple can focus on creating an intimate and personalized experience for themselves and their guests.

Can you still have a big celebration if you have a small wedding?

Yes, even with a small wedding, you can still have a big celebration by hosting a reception with a larger guest list or having a post-wedding celebration at a later date.

How can you keep the cost of a small wedding down?

The cost of a small wedding can be kept down by choosing a budget-friendly venue, limiting the number of guests, and minimizing expenses on decorations and catering.


Weddings can be a lot of fun, but they also come with a lot of stress. If you find yourself overwhelmed by the wedding process and not sure where to start, then this guide will help you plan your perfect small wedding. Plus, we’ve included some tips on how to save money while still making it special for everyone involved!

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